CLILに関する書籍を紹介します。 Below are the books that J-CLIL recommends to all teachers implementing CLIL.
Diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) of CLIL pedagogy and globalisation in Japan
Author(s): Shigeru Sasajima and Barry Kavanagh
The paper discusses the potential of CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) pedagogy in the current practice of ELT (English Language Teaching) and the issues of global education from a viewpoint of DEI (diversity, equity, and inclusion) in Japan. DEI into CLIL pedagogy ensures a variety of learning environments, appropriate CLIL learning, and a sense of belonging. CLIL can also provide better ideas and resources to cultivate DEI.
CLIL 英語で伝える日本の伝統文化・伝統工芸
CLIL Dive Deep into Japanese Culture
伊藤由紀子 著/ 中田葉月 著/ 竹内ニコール・マリー 著/ 柏木賀津子 著/ 笹島 茂 責任編集
小中学校の英 語授業にも利用できるアイデア満載
CLIL 英語で考える身のまわりの科学と生活
CLIL Life Sciences
笹島 茂 著/ 小島さつき 著/ Chad L. Godfrey 著/ Matthew Willson 著
CLIL 英語で学ぶ文学
CLIL Literature
笹島 茂 編著/ 上杉裕子 著/ 山口裕美 著/ 堀 秀暢 著/ George Higginbotham 著/ 谷本秀康 監修
Editors: Ana Otto, Beatriz Cortina-Pérez
Hazuki Nakata, Kazuko Kashiwagi
New perspectives on Content & Language Integrated Learning in Early Childhood Education
Connects research on CLIL Pedagogies with Pre-primary Education
Links unique teaching & learning experiences in int. contexts with practice & research
Soft CLIL and English Language Teaching Understanding Japanese Policy, Practice and ImplicationsMako
CLIL is a transformative and powerful approach to language education and has had a significant impact on educational pedagogy in recent years. Despite burgeoning literature on the efficacy and implementation of CLIL, there remains a gap between CLIL and ELT. Many practitioners wonder how they can ‘do CLIL’ if their main classes are focused on EFL. This volume addresses these concerns by examining the experiences of various CLIL practitioners in the EFL context of Japan.
What is Language?
Eleanor Kane Hinohara
What is Language? follows a CLIL approach. Each of the 15 units is scaffolded for learners, with a progression from lower order thinking skills (LOTS) to higher order thinking skills (HOTS). There is a mix of communicative and receptive tasks, and some focus on form through teaching Academic Word List (AWL) vocabulary and academic language skills.
Productive tasks include pair work in scaffolded discussions and individual presentations.
CLIL in English CLILで学ぶ工学と社会 -Technology and the Society-
Content and Language Integrated Learning in Spanish and Japanese Contexts:
Policy, Practice and Pedagogy (palgrave macmillan)
Tsuchiya, Keiko, Perez-Murillo, Maria (Eds.)
CLIL 英語で培う文化間意識
CLIL 英語で培う文化間意識(三修社)
笹島茂 著/ 工藤泰三 著/ 荊紅涛 著/ Joe Larry 著/ Hannah Haruna 著
CLIL: 英語で考える現代社会(成美堂)
仲谷都 / 油木田美由紀 / 山崎勝 / Chad Godfrey
CLIL 英語で学ぶ身体のしくみと働き(CLIL Human Biology) (三修社)
笹島茂 著, Chad L.Godfrey 著, 小島さつき 著, MatthewWilson 著, SuzanneDijon 著
CLIL Content and Language Integrated Lea
CLIL: Content and Language Integrated Learning (Cambridge University Press)
Do Coyle (著), Philip Hood (著), David Marsh (著)
CLIL Activities with CD-ROM
CLIL Activities with CD-ROM: A Resource for Subject and Language Teachers (Cambridge Handbooks for Language Teachers) (Cambridge University Press)
Liz Dale (著), Rosie Tanner (著)
The TKT Course CLIL Module (Cambridge University Press)
Kay Bentley (著)
The Roles of Language in CLIL
The Roles of Language in CLIL: Teacher Development in Language Teaching (Cambridge University Press)
Ana Llinares(著), Tom Morton(著),
Rachel Whittaker (著)