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Bilingual Event Report

【Special CLIL Talk】

CLIL implementation in Spain: the case of the Autonomous Community of Madrid

María D. Pérez Murillo (Complutense University in Madrid (Spain))

Date & time: Saturday, May 13th  2 to 4 pm.

Venue: Waseda University (Waseda campus) Building 3 Room 701


Report (by Shigeru Sasajima)

María D. Pérez Murillo is Associate Professor at the School of Education, Complutense University in Madrid (Spain), where she is involved in undergraduate and postgraduate courses of training for prospective teachers. She talked about the general CLIL implementation in Spain, including the macro context in Spain, the main features of society, geography, language, and education in Spain, the current CLIL curriculum in Spain, especially in Madrid, which promotes multilingual schools in bilingual autonomous communities and bilingual schools in monolingual autonomous communities. As well as some other European countries, Spain started to provide bilingual education or CLIL programs in 1990s. However, its rapid development looked so outstanding compared to its vicinity. She showed us concrete data of what actually had happened in Spain based on her own research and practices. In the talk, she referred to two studies on bilingual education programme evaluation. One was a three-year independent evaluation project to investigate the learners’ views and attitudes towards their bilingual (English/Spanish) education programme. The other was a two year research project on the impact of CLIL programmes in different Spanish Autonomous Communities (including Madrid) in order to gain insights into the students’ views on bilingual content and language teaching and to investigate attitude towards their bilingual education in English and Spanish. The result showed Spanish students’ positive attitudes towards the programmes and their increasing motivation for learning English. She argued that a “culture of bilingualism” is beginning to emerge in monolingual regions in Spain.

Bilingual Education Project Spain, 2010

Click her for her presentation slides

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