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日本CLIL教育学会 (J-CLIL) 第4回研究発表会




1.輪読会 " The content-language relationship" in Ball, P., Kelly, K, & Clegg, J. (2016). Putting CLIL into Practice (Unit 3). 大和洋子(東洋英和女学院大学)

2. 研究発表 「Students in CLIL: their perception and interaction in CLIL classrooms at university」 土屋慶子(横浜市立大学)



" The content-language relationship" in Ball, P., Kelly, K, & Clegg, J. (2016). Putting CLIL into Practice (Unit 3).





「Students in CLIL: their perception and interaction in CLIL classrooms at university」


In the talk, I present two studies: (1) students’ perception of EMI-CLIL lectures at universities (Tsuchiya & Perez-Murillo, 2017; Tsuchiya, 2017) and (2) discourse framework and repair in paired conversations in CLIL and EFL classrooms (Tsuchiya, 2016). The former is part of a three-year research project of EMI-CLIL at universities in the two sites, Madrid, Spain and Kanagawa, focusing on their perceptions of EMI-CLIL lectures. A questionnaire survey has been conducted from 2014 to 2016 in both countries. The results show their ambivalent attitudes towards EMI-CLIL lectures: the desires to acquire English skills and the resistance towards EMI lectures. A difference is the Spanish students emphasise the importance of being multi/plurilinguals. The second study is a preliminary comparative analysis of two dyad interactions of Japanese learners of English in a CLIL classroom and a General English class (GE) at a Japanese university, examining discourse framework and the use of repair. Endorsement framework was observed in the CLIL conversation, whereas, the learners in GE adapted narrative framework. The students in both contexts paid attention to linguistic/factual repairables. However, procedural repairables were marked only by the participants in the CLIL interaction. The distinct features might derive from differences in communicative action.


Tsuchiya, K. (2016). Focusing on content or language?: comparing paired conversations in CLIL and EFL classrooms, using a corpus. In Romero-Trillo, J. (ed.) Yearbook of Corpus Linguistics and Pragmatics 2016. Dordrecht: Springer. 179-201.

Tsuchiya, K. & Perez-Murillo, M. (2017). ‘Where will English in Japan go?’: Students’ perceptions of EMI-CLIL instruction at higher education in Japan and in Spain. The 5th Integrating Content and Language in Higher Education (ICLHE) Conference 2017, Copenhagen, October 2017.

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