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日時:2018年2月3日(土)2時~5時 場所:早稲田大学(早稲田キャンパス)3号館404教室


"CLIL/CBI to EMI: Curriculum design and implementation at the university level"


2. 輪読会

"Managing CLIL in schools" in Ball, P., Kelly, K, & Clegg, J. (2016).

Putting CLIL into Practice (Unit 9).




"CLIL/CBI to EMI: Curriculum design and implementation at the university level"


This talk covered needs analysis and curriculum design for CBI (content-based instruction)/CLIL (content and language integrated learning) at the university level, focusing on how we should have intermediate to advanced learners of English in Japan transit smoothly from English for general purposes (EGP) and English for academic purposes (EAP) to English medium instruction (EMI). After a brief introduction of the common tenet and three main models of CBI/CLIL, it discussed six stages of curriculum design. Based on this process of curriculum development, it exemplified the new curriculum in the School of Education’s Department of English Language and Literature at Waseda University, which consists of EGP, EAP, and EMI courses in which content and language are integrated. In addition, it also touched on three main challenges for the development of CBI/CLIL curriculum (i.e., human, budget, and administrative constraints). The lecture concluded with 7 underlying principles of designing an EFL university-level CBI/CLIL curriculum. For further details see Harada (2017).


Harada, T. (2017). Developing a content-based English as a foreign language program: Needs analysis and curriculum design at the university level. In M. A. Snow & D. M. Brinton (Eds.), The content-based classroom: New perspectives on integrating language and content (2nd ed., pp. 37-52). Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan Press.

資料はこちらよりご覧ください。 PDF: J-CLIL第6回研究会発表(原田)



"Managing CLIL in schools" in Ball, P., Kelly, K, & Clegg, J. (2016).

Putting CLIL into Practice (Unit 9).



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