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日時:2020年12月12日(土)午後2時~5時 場所:オンライン(Zoomミーティング)

<発表1>聖書CLIL・美術CLIL・地理CLIL・ESD CLIL 実践報告(in Japanese)


横浜女学院中高では4年前からCLILを実践してきた。ESDを英語で指導するSoft CLILから、地理・美術・聖書を英語で指導するHard CLILなど、様々な実践を行ってきたことを紹介した。それぞれの授業において教科教師と言語教師が様々な形で連携してきた。特に授業のコンセプト決定や教材の作成については教科教師の力を借りることでより深みのある実践ができたと感じる。今後は日本語で行う通常の授業においても4Csのフレームワークを活用し、学校全体の授業力向上につなげる予定だ。

<発表2>Activating cognition & communication in CLIL lessons (in English)

Brian Shaw(Ei-Com, LLP)


<発表3>University student presentations and CLIL: Grappling with Daniel Kahneman's Thinking, Fast and Slow (in English)

Kate Elwood (Waseda University)

In my presentation, I introduced a presentation course I have been teaching for primarily 2nd- and 3rd-year university students studying commerce that attempts to integrate content and language by focusing on peer-to-peer learning related to Daniel Kahneman’s book on behavioral economics, “Thinking, Fast and Slow.” After explaining some details about Kahneman’s book and the course contents, I showed slides and narration created by one student as practice for his presentation. Next, I showed data related to the results of comprehension quizzes and analyzed potential reasons for varying average scores. Finally, I presented data related to student feedback at the end of the course which suggests that greater emphasis on enabling students to paraphrase effectively in their presentations would enhance comprehension but also that despite the challenging nature of the course, students found it rewarding.



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