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The Fifth J-CLIL TOHOKU Chapter Conference(第5回J-CLIL東北支部大会)


The fifth J-CLIL Tohok u chapter was held online July 16th, 2022.

Date (日時): Saturday, July 16th, 2022 / 2022年7月16日(土)

Time (時間): 13:00 – 17:10 

Venue(会場): Online Zoom conference・オンライン形式(ZOOM)

Invited Talk / 招待講演

Queer and gender in CLIL and C

BLT: Analysing textbooks

Esteban F. López Medina

(Universidad Complutense de Madrid)


Nowadays, affective-sex-gender diversity is not explicitly represented in schoolbooks. The invisibility of queer existences is a consistent content of the hidden curriculum which, in its gender dimension, legitimises society’s pervasive cisheterosexism, despite its flagrant contradiction with the current legislation in many countries. Bearing all these facts into account and the current historical circumstances which uphold a strong conservative reaction against queer rights, the author feels there is an urgent need to study this silence in textbooks, so that affective-sex-gender diversity may become mainstream in compulsory education. In this presentation, the author discusses research that examined the most popular CBLT textbooks in Spain in recent years. With this aim in mind, a linguistic corpus was compiled, which was later subjected to queer critical discourse analysis and further critical image analysis. Results show that these texts confirm what the author has labelled as ‘cisheterosexism’ in mainstream CBLT textbooks.

Keynote / 基調講演

CLIL teacher education: What do teachers need in Japan?

Shigeru Sasajima (CLIL Institute for Teacher Education CLIL-ite)


CLIL has now become a standard educational approach. However, it seems that there are some barriers in implementing CLIL. In such situations, teachers need to change their mindset about teaching and have opportunities for appropriate CLIL teacher development. I have therefore proposed the contextualized CLIL teacher education model including the minimal requirements for CLIL teachers and CLIL teacher education. Based on these fundamental concepts, the CLIL Teacher Education Program (CTEP) was created and began this year. The curriculum is composed of 6 online modules and workshops. When completing the program, the CLIL teacher certificate is accredited by J-CLIL. This talk will give an overview of the CTEP program details.

Keynote 2 基調講演

Soft CLIL: The default option for language specialists at Japanese universities

Barry Kavanagh (Tohoku University) and Satsuki Kojima (Miyagi University)

It has been 11 years since Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) first arrived on the shores of Japan. However, a shared definition and understanding of the goals and outcome of the approach can become blurred, especially when juxtaposed with teaching pedagogies that aim to teach content in the medium of a foreign language. The soft and hard CLIL dichotomy can further confuse matters. Although both language and content learning are the main objectives within CLIL, the ‘soft’ approach emphasizes language learning and is usually taught by language specialists, whilst a ‘hard’ CLIL direction is more content driven and conducted by subject teachers. These often cloudy pedological boundaries and definitions can add to the many misconceptions within Japan about what CLIL is, how it is practiced within the classroom, and how it relates to the teaching of English as a foreign language (EFL). This talk aims to address the theoretical and practical considerations of CLIL and shed light on what the approach means for language specialists

at Japanese universities who are not subject teachers. In the first half of the talk, Barry Kavanagh focused on the theoretical foundations of CLIL and why it is adopted within English language education curricula within Japan, and not within the framework of teaching subjects like some of its European counterparts. This was followed by Satsuki Kojima, who talked about CLIL practice focusing on how to make CLIL classes, the effectiveness of CLIL, the difference between CLIL and EFL, and some unique aspects of CLIL.



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