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7⽉23⽇(⼟)に、Zoom+対面の ハイブリッドで行われました第31回J-CLIL例会の報告です。 日時:2022年7⽉23⽇(⼟)午後2時〜5時 会場:オンライン(Zoom)+早稲田大学(戸山キャンパス32号館127教室)

1. 馬場博史(ドルトン東京学園中等部高等部)

「ドルトン東京学園中高における通年数学授業での Hard CLIL」

 数学の教師が1年を通して数学を英語で教えるHard CLILの報告です.ドルトン東京学園で中1数学と高校数学Ⅰを担当しています.中1は3年目,高1は1年目になります.英語のテキスト,ウェブページ,動画,クイズ,音声読み上げソフト,英語のグラフ電卓や作図アプリなどを多用し,バイリンガルで数学の授業をしています.私はこれまでの経験(国際バカロレア(IB)数学の研究,イマ―ジョン教育,現在実践中のCLIL)をもとに「数学も英語も強くなる!直訳では伝わらない意外な数学英語たち」(技術評論社2022年5月)を上梓いたしました.授業実践から生まれたこの本もぜひ読んでいただけたらと思います.

2. Andrew Roomy (東海大学)

"Authentic Source Materials and CLIL Curriculum Design: Red

Bull Sports Marketing Case Study"​​​

In the July 23rd J-CLIL Research Meeting, I used a Red Bull Case Study lesson to show how basic curriculum design tools can be used to effectively design and implement a CLIL curriculum. Four design tools were used: a modified planning hierarchy that combines guidelines on curriculum design from Jack C. Richards’ The Language Teacher Matrix (1990) with common management techniques; ideas maps that show the complex relationships between various aspect of sport and leisure management in a simple but logical manner; a special sport and leisure management, second language acquisition (SLA), and CLIL+ checklist; and lesson plans that combines all these elements. These tools were used for the various functions of curriculum design found in the European Centre for Modern Languages of the Council of Europe’s European Framework for CLIL Teacher Education (2011): planning, designing, standardizing, and evaluating the curriculum. Through organizing these tools into a standard, systematic approach to curriculum design, each function was effectively addressed in a comprehensive and cohesive manner. Finally, the author walked the meeting’s members through the curriculum design process by showing how the Red Bull lesson was created using these tools and functions.

Please do not use any images that include my students.



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