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会場:オンライン(Zoom)+上智大学(四谷キャンパス1号館 1-103)

1 奥原ジョージ(国際教育研究所) 「日本における国際教育の現状」



 Madoka Inui. ( Tennoji High School Attached to Osaka Kyoiku University)


 TITLE: Science CLIL Materials Developed Enjoyable with Students

It started with Professor Ikeda saying, "You should have your students present the English for Science booklet process." This is the advice that led to our attendance at the CLIL conference at Sophia University. Thirty students worked together to create science teaching material for teachers.  The completed work encompasses the fields of Chemistry, Physics, Biology, Mathematics, and Geology. The content includes scientific terms and interesting topics, encouraging students to learn with interest from various angles and make connections between English and science. Especially for technical terms, QR codes were attached to allow students to study using Quizlet. Short stories are designed to help students learn in detail about each field, and the students' voices were recorded reading the texts and made available on YouTube. Presentations themselves dealt with deeper learning through the process of producing the teaching materials. The booklet will be published in June.



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