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▶会場:上智大学 中央図書館 L-821 +オンライン(Zoom)


     "With regard to CLIL, which already existed in Japan before the Second World War"

  二五義博 Yoshihiro Nigo(山口学芸大学 Yamaguchi Gakugei University)


② “CLIL Biophysics: Creating a Course for Undergraduate

                   and Post-Graduate Students”(発表言語:英語)

  Barry Kavanagh(東北大学 Tohoku University)

CLIL Biophysics: Creating a Course for Undergraduate and Post-Graduate Students

In my presentation, I provided an overview of my ongoing work on implementing Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) for specialist English education courses at Tohoku University which has begun with the Faculty of Engineering. This initiative began in response to a request from the Vice Principal of Education Reform at Tohoku University to explore the feasibility of introducing CLIL for engineering students and has cumulated into this research project. The talk gave an analysis of the specific requirements for specialist English language education at Tohoku University through the results of a needs analysis conducted with engineering faculty and the subsequent development of pilot courses for both undergraduate and graduate students within the Applied Physics Department at the School of Engineering. I discussed the process of crafting materials for these pilot courses, highlighting the collaboration and consultation with biophysics professors and how the courses were taught from the perspective of a language specialist. The presentation concluded by introducing an upcoming official CLIL Science and Engineering course that I will be teaching. It will start later in the year and will be co-taught with guest professors specializing in science and engineering.

This research is funded by the Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), 23K00648



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